Mathematics of Planet Earth - 2013, Bengaluru
An interactive exhibition on Mathematics for the Billion.
Held at the VITM, Bengaluru from 22nd November to 1st December 2013.
The Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) initiative, which began in the year 2013, focusses on mathematical research in areas of relevance to the various processes that affect the planet Earth. Topics which involve mathematics, such as atmosphere and the changes in the climate, financial and economic systems, the energy production and utilization, spread of epidemics at the population level, ecology and genomics of species, just to name a few, are given importance. A comprehensive and ever-evolving list of such topics can be found here.
The International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is a partner institute in the MPE initiative.
The specific role of the ICTS was to liaise with the Indian scientific community, in collaboration with researchers around the world,
in order to conduct workshops, thematic programs, and conferences on topics that are aligned with the MPE initiative. It was through this initiative and in
collaboration with TIFR, NCSM and the Ministry of Culture, India, ICTS-TIFR was successful in conducting the MPE2013 exhibition at the VITM, Bengaluru with
Srishti school of art and design being the major designers of the exhibition. Several outreach activities were also conducted, to get a wider section of the
society closer to Math.